SSG Errol Suazo
Human Resources NCO

SSG Suazo, Errol was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. He attended Arizona State University, where he received his Bachelors degree in English. SSG Suazo made the decision to Enlist in the United States Army in 2018. His decision was based on personal growth and development. He graduated from Basic training in June 2018 from Fort Sill, OK. After basic, he went on to Fort Jackson, SC for AIT and became a Human Resources Specialist. SGT Suazo scored a perfect 300 on his PT test and was awarded the opportunity to go Airborne school. He graduated from Airborne School in Fort Benning, GA.
SSG Suazo first duty assignment was at 2BCT 82ND ABN DIV at Fort Bragg, NC. He played a vital role in multiple training missions which included Two Warfighters, Swift Response, Deployment and redeployment of Operation Inherent Resolve, and Garuda Shield. He worked at HHC BDE for three years and was The Floor NCO, EPS NCO, rear deatchment NCOIC for Garuda Shield and Operation Inherent Resolve.
1 Arcom w C device
2 Army Commendation
2 Army Achievement Medals.
1 Army good conduct medal
3 Certificate of Achievements