MAJ Susan Bridgewater

Major Susan Bridgewater is a New Jersey native. She graduated and was commissioned from the University of Michigan with a degree in Economics. In 2013, she earned a Master of Science in Engineering Management from the Missouri University of Science and Technology. She is currently pursuing her MBA at the University of Arizona, Eller College of Management.
After attending the Engineer Basic Officer Leadership course at Fort Leonard Wood, MO and completing Airborne School at Fort Benning (now Fort Moore), GA, she was assigned to the 14th Combat Engineer Battalion, 555th Engineer Brigade at Fort Lewis (now Joint Base Lewis-McChord), WA. In 2008, she deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, serving as Battle Captain and then Platoon Leader. Throughout her deployment, she oversaw numerous construction projects including the building of an Iraqi Police Academy outdoor small arms fire range, a helipad, and numerous force protection upgrades on combat outposts and forward operating bases throughout Iraq. Upon redeployment, she was assigned as S-4 and Battalion Unit Movement Officer, successfully resetting and preparing the battalion for another mobilization.
After completing the Engineer Captains Career Course, she headed back to Fort Benning and was assigned to the 11th Engineer Battalion where she served as the S3 Training officer and then took command of the 610th Engineer Support Company. Her company was tasked as an Urban Search and Rescue Company (US&R) as part of the Army North (ARNORTH) Defense Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Response Force (DCRF). Their mission was to be prepared to save lives, help people recover, and reduce suffering in the event of a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) incident within the United States.
Following command, she served as Assistant Professor of Military Science at the University of Arizona, where she served for three years and then concluded her active duty career. In 2020, she became a Career Management Officer for the 13th BN, Army Reserve Careers Group, counseling current and former Army officers on the direction of their military reserve careers. In 2023, she transferred to serve as Battalion Executive Officer of the 1-415th Infantry Regiment, in Phoenix, AZ. During this assignment, she also completed Intermediate Level Education Common Core. MAJ Bridgewater is excited to be back with the Wildcat Battalion, teaching and mentoring cadets, this time as a Reserve Officer.
MAJ Bridgewater’s awards include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Meritorious Unit Citation, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, Global War on Terror Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, and the Parachutist Badge.
MAJ Bridgewater resides in Tucson with her husband, children, and dogs. On the civilian side, she works as a Manager of Faculty Affairs for the College of Science at the University of Arizona.